Make sure you book on time for this unique seminar at Seung Taekwon-Do Academywith ITFU President Grandmaster Don Dalton
For the first time in Belgium
We go for quality and not quantity so we have limited places in the morning (coloured belts) and limited placed in the afternoon (+ 14 years from 4th kup till 9th Degree)
Extra note
Dan Grading possible after the seminar around 17.30hr (send your application to taeyves@me.com - Master Yves)
Few weeks before the European Taekwondo Championships so perfect time to take an extra opportunity to level up your skills
Looking very much forward to welcoming all of you and let us create new memories
Click on the qr code or use this link to be sure of your place
Kind regards
Master Yves Pollefeyt and Boosabum Margaux Pollefeyt
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